Episode 6: Sharpening The saw: Workplace Culture and Values Alignment
Workplace Culture and Values Alignment @SkillsHACK. A heartfelt thank you to our esteemed panelists, Dr. Saumya Badgayan and Neelakshi Mukherjee, for sharing their valuable insights on this critical topic.
Episode 5: Sharpening The Saw: Succession Planning & Leardership Development
Succession Planning & Leadership Development @SkillsHACK. Thank you to our esteemed panel members Dr. Brillian S.K and Neelakshi Mukherjee for sharing their insights about the topic.
Episode 4: Sharpening The Saw: Implementing PIPs with Sensitivity & Fairness
Implementing PIPs with Sensitivity & Fairness @SkillsHACK. Thank you to our esteemed panel members Navanita Bhattacharya and Neelakshi Mukherjee for sharing their insights about the topic.
Episode 3: Sharpening the Saw-Micro Learning powered by Digitization Live Webinar LinkedIn
Micro Learning powered by Digitization @SkillsHACK Thank you to our esteemed panel members for sharing their insights about the topic. Dr Saumya Badgaya, Dr. Brillian S.K, Sriram S, Neelakshi Mukherjee
Episode 2: Sharpening the Saw:The Great Rehire Webinar
Sharpening the Saw:The Great Rehire Webinar which took place on 10th Feb 2023 on Live LinkedIN. Our esteemed panelist Tanaya Mishra, Divya Pant and Neelakshi Mukherjee enlighted us on this topic. Thank You!
Episode 1: Sharpening the Saw: Reskilling and Upskilling. The emerging Mantra for success
@SkillsHACK presents their first Live webinar on SHARPENING THE SAW. Where our esteemed pannelist discussed about the importance of Reskilling and Upskilling. Was scheduled on 29th Jan 2023 , LinkedIN Thank you : Sandeep Seth, Punita Parekh, Umesh Rateja, Neelakshi Mukherjee for your insightful thoughts.
Talgro Masterclass on “Managing Conflicts and Driving Growth in Family Managed Business”
Family’s involvement in the business has often been framed both as a distinct feature of family business and as a major source of conflict. Due to the latter, family businesses often reach a stagnation point in their journey in spite of market opportunities and they are not able to pull themselves out of that situation.
Life Skills for Fresh Graduates: Navigating the Transition from Campus to Corporate
Introduction: Stepping into the professional world as a fresh graduate can be both exciting and challenging. While academic knowledge is undoubtedly important, it’s equally crucial for graduates to possess the necessary life skills to thrive in a corporate environment.
Challenges Facing the Workforce in India Today
India is home to one of the world’s largest and most diverse workforces. In recent years, the country has seen a surge in the number of people joining the workforce. However, despite India’s impressive growth, the workforce still faces many challenges.